"We provide a comprehensive, holistic model of support for BME women, children and young survivors of domestic and sexual violence. We offer culturally and linguistically diverse advice, information and advocacy through case work; group support for women (Saheli) and children (Simba) as well as therapeutic care and counseling for women and children.

We offer a wide range of courses, activities and support to help women to update and improve their skills and support them in their journey to work. Our accredited courses range from basic skills, like English, Maths, IT, ESOL, personal development to accredited volunteering and digital learning opportunities. The Angelou Centre advocates participatory learning practices and ensure that multilingual BME are able to access our courses."

Tell:  0191  2260394/0191 2722984

[email protected]


Apna Ghar provides services for women from BME communities in South Tyneside; these include courses e.g. ESOL, Conversation, Health & Social Care, Volunteering and activities e.g. lunch groups, advice sessions, leisure activities. Interpreting services are available for members and for statutory agencies.

Tel: 01914564147

[email protected]


CREST is a registered charity that promotes racial equality by supporting the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic community into education, training & employment. CREST was set up in 2004 and registered as a charity in 2006.

CREST helps Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups in the South Tyneside area who are in need of support to integrate into wider society, through a series of projects based around identity, employability and equality. Crest helps people of all ages and gender become better informed to enable them to make informed decisions that affect their lives. This is achieved through themed community events, community consultations, training programmes, one-to-one support and job search support.  

Tel: 0191 4276611