Support for Adult Victims of Domestic Violence If you are experiencing any kind of domestic abuse and live in South Tyneside – please call us in confidence on the number below (opening hours Mon-Fri 9am-5pm), or email us at [email protected] 07375 788 835 Or, you can call the National Abuse Helpline, for free and in confidence, 24hrs a day on:0808 2000 247 (women only) 0808 8010327 (men only) Options, our domestic abuse service can help by offering emotional and practical support to adult victims of domestic abuse who reside in South Tyneside and who are over the age of eighteen years. If you are aged 13-17 years please click here. What is domestic abuse? The support offered is tailored to each individual service user and will include an assessment of need, a risk assessment and on-going support as well as signposting where appropriate. All service users will have their risk level assessed using the Safe lives checklist, if Medium-High then an IDVA will be assigned. We can help with: housing non molestation orders emotional support safety planning (including how you can keep safe in your own home) practical advocacy in regard to housing and benefits support and safety planning for the future recovery work (121 and group sessions) IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advisor) An IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advisor) is a trained specialist who provides a professional service to victims of domestic violence who are at high risk of serious harm. We are not part of the police or courts which means we are totally independent. Our main aim is to help victims and their children improve their safety. We do this by offering advice and support and by helping you to think through your options and get the necessary help from other agencies. We can inform you of your rights and options concerning the legal process and housing, explaining the effectiveness of criminal and civil remedies. How can the IDVA service Help you? Help you to see the risks from the domestic violence Explore and explain your rights and options Help you develop your own safety plan to reduce the risk of harm to you and your children Give advice on criminal and civil remedies available to you Support you through criminal prosecution keeping you up to date with court proceedings Attend court and solicitors appointments with you Explain some of the legal jargon and process Work with other agencies to help increase your safety Inform you of your options if a case does not proceed to court Ensure agencies work together to help to keep you safe Support you to make your own decisions that are right for you Support you through the MARAC process. To find out more about MARAC click here. If you have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse and need help with child contact and legal support Rights Of Women are a good organisation to speak to and provide free legal advice on domestic abuse, finances and property, on relationship breakdown and arrangements for children. Manage Cookie Preferences