It's a well-known fact that domestic violence disproportionately affects women; however, what many people don't realize is that men can also be victims of abuse. In this article, we shine a light on the hidden epidemic of domestic violence against men. We'll debunk myths and stereotypes that often surround domestic violence, share eye-opening statistics, and discuss the impact of abuse on men's mental health. Most importantly, we'll provide resources and support to help male victims of domestic violence.

Breaking Stereotypes: Domestic Violence Against Men

While the majority of domestic violence cases reported involve women as the victims, that doesn't mean men aren't affected. In fact, the issue of domestic violence against men is so often overlooked that it has become a hidden epidemic. In order to truly understand the gravity of this issue, it's important to take a closer look at the statistics that demand attention.

Statistics That Demand Attention

Despite being a less discussed issue, domestic violence against men is far from uncommon. Statistics show that one in four men experience some form of domestic violence, and around 699,000 men suffer from physical violence from their partners every year. Moreover, male victims are less likely to report the violence, making it harder to determine the true scale of the problem. Half of male victims (49%) fail to tell anyone they are a victim of domestic abuse and are two and a half times less likely to tell anyone than female victims (19%).

These statistics demand attention as they indicate that domestic violence against men is not a rare occurrence and should receive the same level of attention and support as female victims.

The Impact on Men’s Mental Health

Domestic abuse is not just physical. Emotional and psychological abuse can be just as damaging to men as physical violence, and yet this is often ignored. The impact on their mental health can be severe, leading to depression, anxiety, and even PTSD. It's essential to recognize that domestic violence isn't just a physical issue but a mental health one too, and it's time to break the taboo surrounding it.

In this article, Respect UK discusses the impact that domestic abuse has on men’s mental health.

“Male victims calling our Men’s Advice Line often talk about the anxiety they feel as a result of abuse and the impact it has on their sense of freedom. In our Living a Life by Permission report, a caller talks about the feeling of “walking on eggshells”, explaining that, “It got to the point where I was scared to do anything.” In another study exploring male victims’ experiences of abuse, one participant told researchers that “When she went off to work in the morning then I could relax, but I would feel tense around the time she was coming back around half past five.”

Support for Male Victims of Domestic Abuse

If you are experiencing any kind of domestic abuse and live in South Tyneside – please call us in confidence on 07375 788 835 (opening hours Mon-Fri 9am-5pm), or email us at [email protected]

For other resources for male victims please see the websites below.