101 Questions Answered about Separating with Children is an invaluable first source of legal know-how to help every separating or divorcing parent. Please click on the image below.

National Family Mediation help families in conflict, especially those experiencing divorce & separation.

What about Aruna? 

Only Mums & Dads have launched four free videos for parents on child development, impact of separation and divorce, communicating with your child, looking after yourself during a separation. These videos include information on child development, The Impact of Separation and Divorce, communicating with your child and looking after yourself during a separation. 

Advice and Guidance for Separating Families, or Families in conflict: Parents or Careers in Conflict | Resolving Parental Disputes | Anna Freud Centre This webpage offers support and advice and has videos that are also free to watch, making the content digestible and easy to engage with.

Dads Unlimited – Supporting the emotional safety of men and those they care about (dadsunltd.org.uk) – offering support and advice to men going through family separation. 

Helpline https://fnf.org.uk/help-and-support-2/helpline Tel: 0300 0300 363 Open 9am–10pm Monday to Friday & 10am–3pm Saturday and Sunday The Families Need Fathers helpline has been designed for individuals who are separating or divorcing, and are worried about how this may impact on them and their children. The helpline is available to anyone (not just fathers) and more specialised support is available on weekdays between 6–10pm. 

Short course: “Getting It Right for Children" This website offers a series of online activities and videos to work through, that seeks to help individuals improving the way in which they communicate and negotiate with their co-parent.

Family Life Plus https://clickrelationships.org/family-life-plus/ This relationship support tool has been developed for parents with disabled children by OnePlusOne in collaboration with Contact. It provides research[1]based advice on issues such as handling stress, dealing with separation and managing time together as a couple.

Click Relationships https://click.clickrelationships.org/home/all-issues/ This relationship support website provides users with expert articles, a forum for the Click community to share questions and stories, a series of interactive activities, and an opportunity to receive private support from a Click listener. 

Online Chat https://www.familylives.org.uk/ how-we-can-help/online-chat/ Open 1:30pm–5:30pm Monday to Friday This online chat exists to support individuals with any family or parenting issue they may be experiencing.

Helpline https://www.familylives.org.uk/ how-we-can-help/confidential [1]helpline/ Tel: 0808 800 2222 Open 9am–9pm Monday to Friday & 10am–3pm Saturday and Sunday Family Lives offers a free and confidential helpline for families in England and Wales. The helpline exists to provide emotional support, information, advice and guidance on any aspect of parenting and family life.

See It Differently Campaign https://www.seeitdifferently.org/ This website provides a series of short videos that seek to help viewers understand new ways of managing conflict in order to change how things play out in the household. Each video demonstrates typical parental conflict situations where children have been ‘put in the middle’, and provides the viewer with advice on how to resolve the situation, so that children can lead healthier and happier lives.

Webcam Counselling https://www.relate.org.uk/ relationship-help/talk-someone/ webcam-counselling Booking line: 0300 0030396 Open 8am–8pm Monday to Thursday, 8am–6pm on Friday & 9am–1pm on Saturday Webcam Counselling is similar to face-to-face counselling, except that users talk to a trained counsellor through the comfort of their own homes using a secure video link with Zoom. Sessions can be conducted alone or with a partner, even if partners are in separate locations. The cost of counselling will vary based on individual circumstances, and can be discussed by ringing the booking line, via which counselling sessions are scheduled.

Relationship Help Website https://www.relate.org.uk/ relationship-help This webpage offers a range of online resources and support to help individuals with their relationships.

Separation Hub https://www.gingerbread.org.uk/ information/separating/ Gingerbread’s online Separation Hub has been designed to provide resources to parents that have recently separated. The Hub is organised by topics, covering support for the child, communication with the child’s other parent, legal issues, and safety, to list just a few.

Single Parent Helpline https://www.gingerbread.org.uk/ what-we-do/contact-us/helpline/ Tel: 0808 802 092 Open 10am–6pm on Monday, 10am–4pm on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and 10am–1pm/5pm– 7pm on Wednesday Gingerbread’s Single Parent Helpline is a free and confidential helpline, which provides support and expert advice on any practical issues that single parents may be facing such as sorting out child maintenance, benefit or tax credit issues.